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Smoking Shelter 6 Person

6 Person Smoking Shelter
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We will not sell any product that has not been hot dip Galvanised. Our competitors are offering products that have been variously described as "painted grey", zinc coated and even untreated metal. Their products will rust in no time.

All our products are galvanised to ISO 1461 – Hot Dip Galvanizing

 Our Best Selling Of Range Smoking Shelters in a no nonsense package deal with free mainland UK Delivery



6 Person Smoking Shelter

Product Name: Urban Smoking Shelter                                  

Product Code: USP/SM6/6P

Size: 2050 mm Long x 2040 mm Wide x 2100 mm High

Description: 6 Person Capacity Smoking Shelter

Total Price including Vat £ 1094.40              

Carriage: Free UK Mainland delivery 


The above offer includes all you will need for the shelter including  back panels the only other option is side panels. 

Depending on where the shelter is located you may need the side panels. 

These are available as a Pair for £ 338.69 plus vat Total £ 406.43

Please note Smoking shelters with full side panels will breach the smoking shelter regulation act whereby smoking shelters must not be more than 50% enclosed

In order to meet this regulation we can supply upper half side panels which meet the regulation These are priced at £ 169.35 per pair plus vat Total £ 203.22

There are three options in the above dropdown pay pal button, no side panels, full side panels and half side panels 

If purchased with the above carriage is free UK Mainland. 

If you want a Smoking Shelter at great value then you have come to the right place. 

A complete shelter with or without the side panels. 

If you have any questions please call the number below, we look forward to taking your call

If you want to purchase the shelter on line please use the PayPal button at the top of the page.


PS: This site does not track visitors and show those annoying adds all over the place also the phone number is a standard landline and we do not store your email address or send out any advertising. 

Weekly delivery to London and the South East.

Telephone 0191 5343211




Product information: The Smoking Shelters are made with a mild steel frame and are Plate Mounted Bolt down. The Smoking Shelter is very easy to assemble and is delivered flat pack. The Smoking shelter is lightweight yet robust and being galvanised will give maximum protection from rust for many years. This size Smoking shelter and will comfortably accommodate 6 adults. The assembly is very straight forward. The shelters are available in Galvanised finish only however if you want a painted shelter, simply assemble the frame and paint it to the desired colour (leave it to dry) and then fit the sheeting. To hand paint a shelter will only take about 45 minutes.

The Smoking Shelter is supplied with PET Clear view back panels giving a light area to smoke in while at the same time ensuring that users have all round visibility, in addition for user’s security cameras can be trained on the shelter.


 woodlands bench

To order this product please telephone 01665577022 or email We will need to know the delivery address including post code and how soon you want delivery. The shelter is manufactured in large sections however assembly is a straight forward two person job. 

A Smoking Shelter designed for everyday day use but at a remarkable price. 

These Smoking Shelters are one of the cheapest least expensive options available in the market. Available only as a fully galvanised Mild Steel Frame Smoking Shelter it will give many years of maintenance free performance. A Tough Smoking Shelter ideal for all applications. The Smoking Shelter comes with Pet clear view back so that the Smoking Shelter can be seen from all angles and provides a secure weather proof environment. The Smoking Shelters are delivered flat pack and are specifically designed for very easy assembly. Usually available ex stock so you can have them within a day or two. This has to be the least expensive mild steel galvanised shelter available in the UK.

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